Contact Us
Before getting in touch with us, read answers to common questions we receive. If you still have a question or need to contact us, please fill out the form further down this page.
For Participants
Please see the general response timelines below:
Response to call or email: Housing Specialists are working through their messages as quickly as possible and it may take up to 3 business days to respond to your inquiry. If your Housing Specialist is out of the office, another staff member will cover the answering of their calls and/or emails.
Response to income change request: processing times for income change requests is roughly 4-6 weeks. When your request is processed, SCCHA will send a letter to you and your landlord notifying all parties of the change. In many cases, the effective date of your new rent amount is the first day of the month after your Housing Specialist has received all supporting documentation.
Response to request for reasonable accommodation: The processing time for reasonable accommodation requests is roughly 4-6 weeks. Reasonable accommodations requests may be submitted to your Housing Specialist either verbally or in writing. After you share the request with SCCHA, the medical or other knowledgeable professional you listed in the request must respond to SCCHA's confirmation inquiry. SCCHA will mail you a letter with the decision.
For Landlords
General Questions

San José, CA 95110
(408) 993-4009 Fax
TDD: (408) 993-3041
Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher Program Questions
HCV Reasonable Accommodations
(408) 993-2999 Fax
Public Records requests
(408) 993-2911