For People Looking for Rental Assistance or Affordable Housing
What you can do on this page:- Apply online to join the interest lists to be considered for a Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher
- Explore SCCHA’s rental assistance programs
- Find other affordable housing options outside of SCCHA

How many people does SCCHA currently provide rental assistance to?

Online Interest Lists
Visit Interest Lists PageWhen you sign up for the online interest lists, you're letting us know that you're interested in applying for rental assistance. When vouchers become available, SCCHA pulls names from its interest lists - there are two that you may sign up to. Applicants are randomly selected from the interest lists to receive rental assistance. Signing up for the interest lists does not guarantee that you will receive a Housing Choice Voucher, but it's an important place to start.
Need additional resources?
SCCHA is not the only resource you have available.
We've put together a list of other organizations that may be able to help you find affordable housing. Consult the resource directly for more information.
A key strategy of the Community Plan to End Homelessness is coordinated assessment, a community-wide intake process used to connect homeless individuals with housing resources and programs available through the system. Santa Clara County’s Office of Supportive Housing manages the Coordinated Entry System (CES): those seeking assistance complete a standardized assessment tool that considers your household’s situation and identifies the best type of housing intervention to address your situation. An important first step in getting connected to the Coordinated Entry System is to have your needs assessed through one of several access points below:
- Bill Wilson Center – San Jose (408) 243-0222
- Gilroy Compassion Center – Gilroy (408) 763-7120
- HomeFirst – San Jose: Homeless Helpline (408) 510-7600 | Main Number (408) 539-2100
- LifeMoves (Opportunity Services Center) – Palo Alto (650) 853-8672
- PATH – San Jose (408) 753-8735
- Sunnyvale Community Services – Sunnyvale (408) 738-4321
SCCHA received referrals for our special voucher programs via the Coordinated Entry System.
Rental housing opportunities in Santa Clara County.
Centralized website for information about open affordable housing waiting lists.
This flyer lists available utility assistance programs serving Santa Clara County residents who may need help with their utility bills. Please contact program providers directly or visit their website for more details.