Preston Prince joined the Santa Clara County Housing Authority in 2021. As Executive Director, Prince runs one of the largest public housing authorities in the nation. He came to SCCHA following 14 years as CEO and executive director of the Fresno Housing Authority, that county’s largest affordable housing developer and landlord, where he oversaw a diverse housing portfolio serving 50,000 low-income residents through 13,000 housing choice vouchers and 5,000 public and affordable units, of which 2,400 new units were added during his tenure. Prior to Fresno Housing, Prince was executive director of the Aurora Housing Authority in Aurora, Colo. His early professional career focused on the creation and financing of affordable housing for both nonprofits and public housing agencies throughout Washington state, where he developed thousands of housing units for people with special needs, families, seniors and homeowners. Prince has long been involved in creating affordable housing policy at the national level as well as local and statewide efforts to prevent homelessness and improve economic mobility for low-income families. He serves on the boards of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), California Housing Finance Agency and National Public Housing Museum. He is a past board member of the National Organization of African-Americans in Housing. Prince holds a master’s degree in urban affairs and policy analysis and a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from New School University in New York City.
SCCHA Mission
To provide and inspire affordable housing solutions to enable low-income people and families in Santa Clara County to achieve financial stability and self-reliance.
Moving to Work
SCCHA is among the original 39 agencies out of approximately 3,200 PHAs to be granted Moving to Work status, a special designation from HUD that allows our agency to make strategic program and policy changes to better address Silicon Valley’s critical shortage of affordable housing. We seek to expand beyond operational efficiency to assist as many families as possible and pioneer housing strategies that can be replicated at PHAs nationwide.
We design our Moving to Work programs to meet the following three statutory goals established by Congress:
Promote participants’ economic self-sufficiency
Decrease administrative costs and increase cost effectiveness in housing program operations
Expand participants’ housing choices
The day-to-day operation of the Santa Clara County Housing Authority (SCCHA) is carried out by our dedicated employees working under the guidance of department directors and led by the executive director.
Language Access Plan
View Language Access PlanSCCHA offers interpretation and translation services to ensure equal access to our housing programs for those with limited English proficiency. Please contact us at (408) 875-2770 for assistance.
Administrative Plan
View Administrative PlanSCCHA administers federal rental assistance to over 19,000 households through the Housing Choice Voucher program, and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that public housing authorities (PHA) adopt an administrative plan that details policies for how it will operate its HCV program.
SCCHA operates in three primary arenas to create affordable housing opportunities in Santa Clara County:
Federal Rental Assistance
SCCHA provides rental assistance for over 19,000 low-income households annually, representing over $33 million dollars in rental subsidy to local landlords each month.
Project Based Vouchers
SCCHA’s PBVs are integral to ending homelessness through long-term solutions like permanent supportive housing, and are a key financing tool for developers seeking the County’s 2016 Measure A affordable housing bond funds. With over 2,700 PBVs already attached to units being leased or in construction, SCCHA now has nearly 4,000 more PBVs available for utilization in San Jose and throughout the County, providing a total subsidy of $33 million annually to house the most vulnerable in our community.
Affordable Housing Development
SCCHA is creating safe and livable communities by executing a robust array of development activities including land acquisition, new construction developments, and major renovations and refinances of SCCHA’s housing portfolio. Our real estate activities support several strategies and initiatives in the County’s Community Plan to End Homelessness, including prioritizing the development of housing for extremely-low income individuals and expanding permanent supportive housing. SCCHA owns and controls over 2,900 affordable housing units, with close to 1,000 units in our current development pipeline.
Strategic Priority Areas
Housing Availability and Affordability
- Increase the number of and equitable access to housing opportunities for low-income Santa Clara County Residents.
- Preserve the existing housing opportunities available to low-income County residents to counter displacement of those who are most impacted by the County’s income disparity and housing crisis.
Partnerships + and Supporting the Community Plan to End Homelessness
Understand and address the needs of low and extremely low-income individuals and build strong partnerships that promote better outcomes those in need of maintaining, affording, or securing housing.
Operational Excellence
Maximize agency fiscal health, efficiency and effectiveness by streamlining processes, adopting technology and embracing innovation.